News Of faculty of Law

A scientific lecture on the stability and transformation of legal systems (the Americanization of law as a model)..

  • on 00:00:00 2023-06-12
Within the framework of the training activity for postgraduate students at the Faculty of Law (Master’s and PhD levels), a scientific lecture was held today, Monday, entitled “The Stability and Transformation of Legal Systems (The Americanization of Law as a Model)” delivered by Dr. Al-Hadi Bouha
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إقرا المزيد

Discussion of a master’s thesis in the Criminal Law Department

  • on 00:00:00 2023-03-17
In the conference hall of the College of Law, this morning, Thursday, March 16, 2023, the master’s thesis in the Department of Criminal Law, submitted by the student Sarah Muhammad Abdullah, was discussed with the title:- ((Criminal confrontation for misuse of freedom of electronic ex
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إقرا المزيد

Discussion of a master's thesis in the Department of Public Law

  • on 00:00:00 2023-03-06
On the morning of Sunday, corresponding to March 5, a master's thesis was discussed and approved in the Department of Public Law, submitted by the student Saeed Wanis Ali, entitled: - "Exceptional resources for public money - an analytical study in the provisions of Libyan law."
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إقرا المزيد

Meeting of the editorial board of

  • on 00:00:00 2023-02-28
Today, Tuesday morning, the first meeting of the editorial board of Al-Qanun magazine was held, formed according to Qom Resolution 21 of 2022 AD, to discuss the mechanisms for issuing the first issue and the stages it has reached. It was agreed to issue the first issue of 2023 soon after completi
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إقرا المزيد

Midterm exams for the academic year 2022-2023 start

  • on 00:00:00 2023-02-25
This morning, Saturday, February 25, 2023, the midterm exams for students of the university year system at the Faculty of Law began.. Nearly 2,000 male and female students performed the exams in two shifts, starting from nine o'clock in the morning until one o'clock in the afternoon, in th
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إقرا المزيد

Critical thinking course

  • on 00:00:00 2023-02-16
On Sunday, February 12, 2023, at the Research, Consultation and Training Center at the College of Law, within the framework of its program to support distinguished students for the first year of last year, the training course on “Critical Thinking” was opened by Prof. Najeeb Al-Hasadi, Professor
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إقرا المزيد

Discussion of a master's thesis in the Department of Islamic Law

  • on 00:00:00 2023-02-15
In the conference room of the Faculty of Law, University of Tripoli, a master's thesis was discussed this morning in the Department of Islamic Sharia, presented by the student Heba Ali Yahya, entitled: - (Medical examination between Sharia rooting and legal conditioning). After evalua
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إقرا المزيد

A scientific symposium on (the constitutional rule "form and subject")

  • on 00:00:00 2023-01-24
Held this morning, Tuesday, at ten o'clock in the hall of the late Dr. Muhammad Tibar The scientific symposium on (the constitutional rule "form and subject") organized and supervised by the Department of Public Law in the presence of the head of the department, faculty members and postgraduate s
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إقرا المزيد

Extraordinary College Council meeting

  • on 00:00:00 2023-01-13
An extraordinary meeting was held today, Tuesday morning, at ten o'clock in the building of the Faculty of Law, Janzour University, during which a number of items related to the educational process were discussed, and the conduct of midterm exams for students of the semester system was discussed.
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إقرا المزيد

Postgraduate Studies Committee meeting, Department of Public Law

  • on 00:00:00 2023-01-10
Today, Thursday morning, the Scientific Committee for Postgraduate Studies and Training at the Department of Public Law held its periodic meeting in the hall of the Department of Public Law at exactly 11 am to discuss a number of items related to postgraduate studies.
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إقرا المزيد