Master in Master of Floating Platforms Engineering

University of Tripoli - Department of Marine Engineering



The post-graduate program for MSc which has been established at the department takes into consideration the staff members' experience and follows the most well-known routes and tracks for such study. The program depends on areas of research that can be currently supported, and frequently demanded by society. By using this strategy, the department will play a major role that both acknowledges and reflects faculty participation and effort.


• Enabling students to focus on a particular aspect of a broader subject area in which they have prior knowledge or experience through previous study or employment.

. • Enabling students to focus on a particular subject area or field of study in greater depth than they encountered during the course of previous study or experience. This may include enabling students to develop knowledge of a new discipline or field of study in combination with a relevant subject area in which they have prior knowledge or experience.

. • Enabling students to learn how to conduct research often linked to a particular discipline or field of study. 

   • Enabling students to undertake a research project on a topic within the area of interest that makes up the majority of the overall assessment. • Enabling students to specialize or to become more highly specialized in an area of employment or practice related to a particular profession.


o encourage the acquisition of general scientific skills relating to Offshore Engineering, critical analysis, interpretation and discussion of factual information and data. By the end of this program students will be able to evaluate practical solutions to the basic problems that most offshore Engineers are likely to encounter in their practice.

On completion of this Master’s program the graduate students will also be able to pursue his/her studies to PhD level. In general, the Master Degree Program will help graduates to perform the following activities:

• Enabling students to focus on a particular aspect of a broader subject area in which they have

prior knowledge or experience through previous study or employment.

• Enabling students to focus on a particular subject area or field of study in greater depth than they encountered during the course of previous study or experience. This may include enabling students to develop knowledge of a new discipline or field of study in combination with a

relevant subject area in which they have prior knowledge or experience.

• Enabling students to learn how to conduct research often linked to a particular discipline or

field of study.

• Enabling students to undertake a research project on a topic within the area of interest that makes up the majority of the overall assessment.

• Enabling students to specialize or to become more highly specialized in an area of employment or practice related to a particular profession.

Certificate Rewarded

MSc. Offshore Engineering

Entry Reuirements

A student who earned a bachelor's degree in engineering from one of Libya's public universities.

Study Plan

The Master in Master of Floating Platforms Engineering prepares students to qualify for Master in Master of Floating Platforms Engineering. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 6 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 31 units, which include 7 units of general subjects, and 12 major units, 12 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MAR644 03 Compulsory +

MAR698 03 Elective +

MAR697 03 Elective +

MAR652 03 Elective +

MAR651 03 Elective +

MAR650 03 Elective +

MAR649 03 Elective +

MAR647 03 Elective +

MAR646 03 Compulsory +

MAR645 03 Compulsory +

GE604 03 University requirement +

MAR642 03 Compulsory +

MAR641 03 Compulsory +

MAR640 03 Compulsory +

MAR639 03 Compulsory +

MAR601 01 Compulsory +

MAE699 06 Compulsory +

GE609 03 University requirement +

GE606 03 University requirement +