Bachelor in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering

University of Tripoli - Department of Material Engineering



Interested in contributing to the transfer and exchange of information and detection of the latest developments in the field of materials and metallurgical engineering


 Provide the student with the basic skills to control and operate metallurgical systems such as heat treatment, surface treatment... Etc. Contribute to solving engineering challenges facing society. Graduating engineers with sufficient quality expertise to fill the deficit in the subspecialties in the fields of improving the performance of materials for the production and processing of oil, and other industries. Qualifying the student and developing his scientific and administrative capabilities, and preparing him to compete in the local and regional labor market. Provide the student with the necessary skills to save energy in metallurgical processes. Qualifying the student to understand the system of the relationship between structure and properties, manufacturing and performance of engineering materials. Qualifying engineering cadres in the field of setting material specifications, examination, inspection and analysis of engineering materials.


The graduate must possess a set of mental and practical skills that qualify him to compete in the labor market The graduate should understand many measurements of microstructure characterization and microscopy The graduate should be able to use software to solve many quantitative and qualitative analysis of materials problems, and carry out many experiments measuring corrosion rates by electrochemical methods The graduate should acquire the skills of presenting the results of research and tests The graduate should realize the professional and ethical responsibility of the engineering profession The student should practice throughout his presence in the department self-reliance skills in solving the problems facing him to pass the practical and theoretical lessons The graduate should be able to analyze mechanical and corrosion breakdowns and destructive and non-destructive detection methods for engineering constructions

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering

Entry Reuirements

The student's level in the previous stage of study should not be less than good

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 10 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 154 units, which include 40 units of general subjects, and 100 major units, 6 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GS115 03 General +

Measurements and SI units; chemical equations and stoichiometry; structures of atoms and periodic relationships, chemical compounds:The gaseous state; solutions-electrolytes and non-electrolytes; acids and bases; thermochemistry; chemical equilibrium; ionic equilibrium I and II; organic chemistry.

GS111 03 General +

Waves: Wave equations, traveling waves and stationary waves; principles of superposition, Doppler Effect. Sound; Definitions, velocity of sound in air and material media and its variation, velocity of transverse & longitudinal vibration in wires and rods. Echoes briefly. Optics: properties of light, the electromagnetic character of light; sources of light and their spectra, absorption & scattering, dispersion, polarization of light.Heat, thermal equilibrium, Temperature measurement, heat as a form of energy, work, general gas Law, 1st Law of thermodynamics and its applications.

GH141 03 General +

The main objective of this course (English I) is to encourage the leaners to acquire the English language skills they need to pursue their specialized courses in different Departments of the Faculty. In order to achieve this purpose, emphasis should be relied upon the formal grammar of the language, reading and writing activities in the classroom and listening comprehension and note-taking practice in the language laboratory. Undoubtedly, this can help the students to express themselves freely while dealing with technical terminology, vocabulary items and structures related to their subject areas. The overall program is a complimentary and prerequisite course for all Engineering Departments (Four hours per week). It covers the following:-Intensive Reading of different passages containing materials the students need to follow their departmental courses (vocabulary exercises, comprehension questions, contextual references, affixation, etc.).•Description of the laboratory experiments.Scientific vocabulary including the use of dictionary, punctuation, word-order, spelling, word- formation, etc.•The study of English verb tenses, active forms and passive constructions.The study of English nouns (kinds, functions, derivation) pronouns, adjectives, articles, adverbial phrases and so forth.•Summary writing.

GH150 02 General +

Review of Arabic courses taken in high school, including construction of Arabic sentence, spelling and punctuation (Part one).

GS101 03 General +

· Review: sets, inequalities and absolute values inequalities.· Functions: definition, limits, continuity, asymptotic lines, and derivatives (definition, theorems, chain rules, implicit differentiation, rates of change, derivative of higher order).· Trigonometric functions and inverse trigonometric functions and their derivatives.· Applications: slop of a tangent, the differential and approximations, the critical points, the relative and absolute maxima and minima, concavity and points of inflection, curve sketching, Roll’s theorem, mean value theorem, and L’hopital’s rule.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GE121 03 General +

Statics of particles; forces in plane and spree; statics of rigid bodies : Equivalent system of forces; equilibrium in two and three dimensions, work and energy, analysis of trusses, frames, and machines, free body diagram; kinematic; stability friction, centroids and center of gravity-lines, area and volumes. Moment of inertia of areas and masses.

GS115L 01 General GS115 +

Some experiments related to GS115 course.

GS112 03 General GS111 +

Electrostatics: changes and fields, the electric potential; electric current; the magnetic field, electric fields in matter. Photoelectric effect, Einstein’s explanation and quantum theory of the hydrogen atom. Radioactive decay law derivation.

GS102 04 General GS101 +

· Integration: definite and indefinite integrals, and their applications (area under a curve, area bounded by two curves, solids of revolution (disc method)).· Transcendental functions: exponential, logarithm functions, the hyperbolic functions, hyperbolic inverse functions, and their derivatives and integrations· Techniques of integration: (change of variables to find integrations, integration by parts, integration by substations, integration using partial fraction, reduction formulas).· The complex numbers: (definition, properties, conjugates, absolute values, polar forms, and determining roots).· Functions of several variables: (partial derivatives, implicit differentiation, chain rule and its applications, total differentiation and its applications, total differentiation of derivatives of second and higher order, maxima and minima, and Lagrange multiplier method).

GH151 01 General GH150 +

Review of Arabic courses taken in high school, including construction of Arabic sentence, spelling and punctuation (Part two).

GH142 03 General GH141 +

This program (English II) aims at developing the students' scientific and vocational skills. It is specially designed to introduce the learners to the basic patterns of technical terminology at the introductory stage and thereafter deals with more advanced topics. Thus the students can go further and become creative by way of discussion and various original contributions to the materials. It also offers an opportunity for the learners to evolve their communicative competence and comprehend their departmental contents with a restricted period of time.However, this course tends to give instructions to the learners in a variety of subjects such as:-Intensive Reading of passages (texts) including materials to students' needs with comprehension questions, contextual references, vocabulary exercises and affixation and so forth.The study of scientific and technical vocabulary which involves the use of dictionary, spelling, picking up the meaning form the context, rules of affixation, etc.Description of the laboratory experiments.Revision and study of basic English verb tenses, active and passive voice in scientific technical English.The English noun phrases, relative clauses, deletion of relative relation in active and passive voice.The study of English pronouns, adjectives, adverbial phrases, etc.Summary Writing.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GS203 03 General GS102 +

Linear Algebra.· Definition of matrices, Types of matrices, and their properties.· Operations on matrices and their properties.· Elementary row operations and reduced row form (Echelon form)· Systems of linear equations and their solutions using reduced matrix and matrix inverses.· Determinants, their properties, and a determinant formula for matrix inverse.· System of linear equations and their solutions using Cramer’s rule and using elementary transformations.· Eigenvalues and eigenvectors and the Hamilton Cayley theorem.· Introduction to fields (Real, complex), vectors, linearly dependent and independent vectors, basis, and dimension. Dot product, cross product, and their applications.· Calculus of vectors; functions of vectors and their derivatives, gradient, divergence and curl. The vector differential operator del.

MME210 03 Compulsory GS115 +

Viscosity, surface tension, refractometery, density of liquids, density of porous and non -porous solids. Some basic definition of systems, surrounding boundaries, transition energy, thermodynamic systems and thermodynamic processes, bond dissociation energy and thermo-chemical equations. First law of thermodynamics, enthalpy, molar heat capacity, factors that influence the heat of reactions, Hess’s Law, Kirchoff’s Law. Second law of thermodynamics, entropy, effect of temperature on entropy , criterion of spontaneity, free energy and equilibrium constant, free energy and temperature, free energy and cell potentials. The third law of thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, reaction rate theory, and factors influencing rate of reactions (first, second, third order). Determination of reaction order, integration method, half life method and Van’t Hoff’s differential method. Electrochemistry (oxidation / reduction reactions, standard half –cell potentials, Nernst Equation and thermodynamic of electrochemical cells).

GH152 01 General GH151 +

Writing technical reports, Report preparation and presentation. Preparation of minutes of meetings. Translation of technical document

GE127 02 General +

GS112L 01 General GS111 +

Experiments about sound, light, electricity, magnetism, heat and electro-chemical conversion.

GE129 02 General +

Industrial safety; engineering materials and their mechanical and physical properties; classifications, ferrous and nonferrous metals, natural and synthetic materials; introduction to manufacturing processes: casting, welding, forging, rolling, extrusion; sheet metal working methods, metal machining.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GS200 03 General +

Introduction to computer science; basic principles of computer structure; basic components of programming languages; problem solving steps; Algorithms; introduction to Programming Language; Tokens; Values & variables; Input & Output statements; Statements, Expressions and Operators; Flow of Controls (if, if..elseif, switch statements, ternary operator); Iteration and loops (while, do-while and for loop statements); Continue and Break statements; Built-in functions, User defined functions; Scope of variables (global, local and static variables); Arrays (one dimensional array, 2 dimensional array , multi-dimensional arrays); some arithmetic operations on arrays; Arrays and functions; File I/O, files and streams, opening and closing files, reading & writing text files; other data types (i.e. structures, pointers)

GS204 03 General GS102 +

Ordinary differential equations· Basic definitions, first order and first degree differential equations (Separable Equations, Homogeneous and nearly homogeneous equations, Exact equations, Integrating factors, linear equations, Bernoulli equation, Riccati equation, brief discussion of existence and uniqueness of a solution, orthogonal trajectories).· Linear higher order differential equations: theoretical considerations, constant coefficient case, nonhomogeneous equation (variation of parameters method, undetermined coefficients method), and Euler’s differential equation.· Laplace transformations and its inverse, calculating Laplace transformation and its invers, using Laplace transformation on solving linear equations.· System of linear differential equations; solution of differential equations in series; gamma, beta function, Bessel function, modified Bessel function, Legendre polynomials; Spherical harmonics, hyper geometric functions.

GS206 03 General +

Probability: concept of a random experiment and sample space; addition and multiplication laws of probability; conditional probability and independence, Bay’s theorem and its application. Random variables and their probability distribution; Binomial, Poisson, Normal, Gamma, Exponential, Uniform and Cauchy distributions and their properties. Basic statistical concepts: Statistical data, measures of central simple linear regression, regression coefficient and correlation coefficient, non-linear regression. Fitting of linear and non-linear regression to data. Multiple linear regression and multiple correlation coefficient.

GE129L 01 General GE129 +

Some experiments related to GE129 course prepared by specified department.

MME211 03 Compulsory GS115L MME210 +

Definitions and basic concept, systems, states, work and heat, equilibrium …..etc. First law of thermodynamics, internal energy, heat capacities, different thermodynamic processes. Principle of entropy and the work done, behaviour of ideal gases, thermal and chemical equilibria, principle of phase equilibrium, phase transformation, Gibb’s phase rule, electrochemical principles, Bo forms.

MME220 04 Compulsory GS115 +

1-classes of engineering materials. 2-atomic bonds – ionic, covalent, metallic, secondary. 3-symmetry, crystal systems. 4-important metal & ionic crystals. 5-lattice directions & planes. 6-x-ray diffraction. 7-mechanical, electrical & thermal properties. 8-defects of crystal patterns. 9-solid solutions. 10-point defects, linear defects, surface defects. 11-diffusion in solids. 12-properties of single phase materials. 13- elastic behaviour. 14- anisotropy & elastic limit. 15- onset of plastic behaviour. 16- cold – working & disloca tions. 17- annealing of cold worked metals. 18- creep, fatigue & fracture of metals. 19- multi-phase materials, alloys, phase rule, phase diagrames, the iron – carbon phase diagram, steels, cast irons. 20- Corrosion of metallic materials, degradation of ceramics & polymers. 21- Ceramics – structures, properties & processing. 22- Polymers – molecular weight distribution polymerization reactions.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
PH317 03 Compulsory GS112 +

EE280 03 Compulsory +

MME325 03 Compulsory GS115 MME220 +

1-Crystal structure, imprefections, voids and stacking sequence. 2-Plastic deformation and annealing, recovery, recrestalyzation and grain growth. 3- Solid solution and the humepothery rules . 4- Binary phase diagrams, miscibility gap, eutectic, eutectoid, and peritectic phase diagrams. 5- The Fe-C systems, structure of steels, cost iron, heat treatments, martenstic, perleatic and baintic transformation, and grading and classification of steels. 6-Solidification of metals, thermodynamics, kinetics and casting defects.

MME240 02 Compulsory GE121 +

Concept of stress, axial loading, normal stress, shear stress, stress on oblique plane under axial loading, stress under general loading conditions, components of stress, ultimate and allowable stress, factor of safety, concept of strain , normal strain under axial loading, stress and strain diagram, Hook’s law, modulus of elasticity, elastic and plastic behaviour of materials, poisson’s ratio, general form of Hook’s law, stress and strain distribution under axial loading, elastic constants, torsion, stress in circular shaft, deformation in a circular shaft, stresses in elastic range, angle of twist in the elastic range, stress concentration in a circular shaft, design of transmission shafts, pure bending, stress in pure loading, deformation in a symmetric member in pure bending, stress and deformation in elastic range, deformation in a transverse cross section, bending of members made of several materials, Eccentric axial loading in a plane of symmetry, un-symmetric bending. Transformation of stress, transformation of plane stress, Moher’s circle for plane stress.

MME214 04 Compulsory +

i- Methods of analysis: advantage and disadvantages of chemical and instrumental methods of analysis.ii- calculations in analytical chemistry:equivalent weight of an element, an acid, an alkali, a salt, an oxidizing agent and reducing agent.Molarity, molality, formality, normality, strength of solutions, weight and volume percent.iii- Primary Standard & Secondary Standard Solutions.iv- Chemical methods of analysis: theory of volumetric analysis, theory of acid – base titration, theory of compleximetric titration, theory of redox titration, and theory of precipitation titration.Theory of gravimetric analysis, requirements of weighing and precipitate form in gravimetric analysis, factors influence completeness of precipitation: amount of precipitant, excess of precipitant, temperature, PH, and masking agents. Solubility and solubility product, common ion effect and co-precipitation.v- Instrumental methods of analysis: atomic emission, atomic absorption, icp-ms and icp-aes, spectophotometry, principles of lambert and beer’s law, and deviation of beer’s separations: a- solvent extraction, b-ion exchangeLab. MME 214Methods of sampling and dissolution, theory of dissolution, dissolution of sample by fusion, perchloric, acid, by tri-acid volumetric analysis, acid – base titration, compleximetric titration, potentiometric titration, argentmetric titrations, gravimetric analysis, determination of SO4, instrumental analysis, atomic emission spectrophotometer, and maximum absorption spectra determination of Fe by ortho-phenanthroline

M305 03 Compulsory GS102 +

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MME309 03 Compulsory GS102 +

Introduction, splines, curve fitting techniques, least squares method, linear regression, asymptotic expansion, numerical methods, Gauss elimination & matrix inversion, solution of eigenvalue problems by iteration method, ill- conditioning, solution of simultaneous linear equations, Newton’s – Paphson method, Simpson’s rule, Trapezoid rule, solution of 1st & 2nd O.D.E. , Euler method, and Runge – Kutta method.

MME312 03 Compulsory GS102 +

-Behavior of gases: gas mixtures of ideal gases. the thermodynamic treatment of imperfect gases, deiation from ideality and equations of state and the van der walls gas. -Reactions invocving gases: reaction equilibrium in a gas mixture and the equilibrium constant.The effects of temperature and pressure on the equilibrium constant. Reaction equilibrium in the system: SO2(g)-SO3(g)-O2(g).Equilibrium in H2O-H2 and CO2-CO mixtures. Gaseous reaction equilibrium and fugacity. -Reactions inoling pure condensed phases and a gaseous phase: Free energy variation with temperature, the Ellingham diagrams, effects of phase diagram, the oxides of carbon and graphical representation of equilibrium in the system metal-oxygen- carbon. -Behaior of solutions: Raoult's law and Henry's law, the activity of a component in solution,the Gibbs-Durham equation, free energy of solution, properties of Raoultian ideal solutions, and non- ideal and regular solutions. -Free energy-composition and phase diagrams of binary systems: Free energy and activity, free energy of regular solutions. phase diagrams, free energy, and activity. -Reaction equilibrium in systems containg components in condensed solutions: Reaction equilibrium criteria in systems containing components in condensed solution, alternative standard states, the Gibbs phase rule, binary systems involving compound formation, the solubility of gases in metals, the formation of oxide phases of rariable composition, graphical representation of phase equilibrium, solutions containing several dilute solutes, tabular representation of thermodynamic data and the free energy function and analysis of experimental data of the second and third law methods.

MME315 03 Compulsory MME210 +

Clasification of polymers, nomenclature of polymers, molecular weight of polymers, weight average and number average molecular weight,.Determination of molecular weight: By osmotic pressure, by light scattering, by viscosity, etcMolecular weight distributions, polymer synthesis, chain growth polymerization, step growth polymerization, free radical polymerization, cationic polymerization, anionic polymerization andco-polymerization. Polymerization methods including bulk polymerization, Solution polymerization, suspension polymerization and emulsion polymerization.

MME340 04 Compulsory GS203 +

MME326 03 Compulsory GS102 +

Diffusion in substitional solid solutions and interstial solid solutions, theories of phase transformation, phase transformation of steel on heating, eutectoid transformation, Binaite transformation, transformation associated with steel tempering , heat treatment of metals and alloys, chemical thermal treatment of metals and alloys, hardenability of steels and case hardening including carborization, nitriding and carbonitriding

MME330 03 Compulsory MME214 +

1-Mineral dressing, benefication.2-Ore preparation ( roasting, calcination, agglomeration )3-Reduction of metal oxides4-Matt smelting5-Iron making and refining processes6-Hydrometallurgy7-Electrometallurgy8-Applications of different methods of treatment.

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MME306 03 Compulsory MME220 +

MME335 03 Compulsory MME312 +

The importance of corrosion science and engineering study, corrosion classification, principles of electrochemicals and electro-reactions, principles of thermodynamics and tendency of metals to corrosion, mobility of corrosion, calculations of rate reactions, polarization & passivity of metalls phenomena, Bourabi and Erans diagrams for metals, types of aqueous corrosion, pitting corrosion, galvanic corrosion, crevic corrosion, soil and atmospheric corrosion, microbiological corrosion, ways of measurments of corrosion phenomenon and introduction to corrosion control.

MME327 03 Compulsory MME326 +

Specimen preparation for microscopical examination of pure metals and alloys, effect of heat treatment on carbon steel and hardenability of alloys.1- Alloy steels2- Tool steels3- Cast iron 4- Non-ferrous metals and alloysCu-base alloys, Al-base alloys, Bearing alloys, Solders, Mg-alloys, Mn-alloys, Super alloys, and Titanium alloys.

MME320 Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties 04 Compulsory GS112 +

MME331 03 Compulsory MME330 +

Mass & energy balane which related into metallurgical reactions, overall mass balance, the lever rule in material mixing, material recycle operations, applications of mass balance for different metallurgical applications, energy balance, energy transfere, internal & external energy, types of industrial operations, energy transfer in different flow operations, effeciency of energy transfer, energy transfer in stable operations, specific heat, internal heat of phase transformations, heat balance in different metallurgical operatios and calculations of heat quantity in metallurical operations.

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MME336 03 Compulsory MME335 +

Types of mechanical corrosion, High temperature corrosion.Corrosion prevention :- material selection, alternation of environment, design, cathodic and anodic protection, coating, methods of analysing of structural corrosion failures.

MME420 03 Compulsory GS204 +

1- Properties of x-rays, electromagnetic radiation, continuous spectrum, characteristic radiation, absorption, filters, production of X-rays, detection and safety.2-Crystal structure, planes & directions, atomic sizes and coordination & stereographic projections.3-Diffraction, Bragg’s law, diffraction methods and diffraction under non-ideal conditions.4-Scattering by an electron, atom and unit cell, structure factor, multibicity factor, Lorentz factor, absorption factor, temperature factor, and intensitive of powder diffraction patterns.5-Debye Scherrer method, Laue method, diffractometer, proportional counter, Geiger counter and Scintillation counter.6-Determination of crystal structure, indexing of powder pattern, and effect of cell distortion.7-Determination of precise lattice parameter and method of least squares.8-Phase diagram determination, parametric & disappearing phase method.9-Order-disorder transformation, super-lattice lines and their detection.10-Qualitative & quanitative chemical analysis; Hanawalt method; parameter method, direct comparison and limitation.11-Stress measurement and it’s application, texture and it’s application.12-Electron & neutron diffraction and its applications.

MME427 03 Compulsory MME326 +

Classification of engineering alloys according to their use, structural steel, roll of structure and heat treatment, weldeability, specifications of tool steels, essential alloying elements in tool steels, heat treatment of tool steels, bearing alloys, wear processes, specifications of wear resistance, wear resistance alloys, composite materials, friction resistance materials, high temperature oxidation resistance materials and alloys, nickle alloys, temperature resistance materials, stainless steels, copper alloys, aluminium alloys., white alloys, materials with specific electrical properties, and magnetic materials.

MME440 03 Compulsory MME326 +

1. Theory of PlasticityThe flow curve, yielding criteria (Von Mises and Tresca), combined stress tests, the yield locus, octahedral shear stress and shear strain, invariant of stress and strain, plastic stress-strain relationship (Levy-Mises equation). 2. Fracture MechanicsTypes of fracture in metals, theoretical cohesive strength of metals, stress concentration, Griffith theory of brittle fracture, energy release rate, stress analysis at crack tip and modes of loading, fracture toughness (plane strain fracture toughness, kic ), and crack tip plastic zone size estimation. 3. Fatigue of MetalsStress cycle, fatigue fracture surface, the s-n curve, effective stress concentration factor, design for finite life (laws of Goodman, Gerber and Soderberg), design for finite life (Basquin's law), cumulative damage and life prediction (Miner's law), fatigue crack initiation and propagation, and fatigue life calculations (Paris equation). Creep of MetalsThe creep phenomenon, creep curve, presentation of crep data, Larson-Miller plot, the life fraction rule, mechanism of creep deformation and rupture and steady state creep.

MME461 03 Compulsory MME312 +

1-Introduction : ceramic materials in relation to metals & polymers.2-Interatomic spacing & bonding, crystal structures including silicate structures& imperfections.3-Glass – structure, composition transformation range and crystallization.4-Surface & interfaces – adsorption, ion exchange, interfacial energies.5-Ceramic phase diagrams.6-Ceramic microstructures.7-Structural ceramics & abrasives.8- Mechanical, thermal, electrical, optical and nuclear properties.

9th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MME441 03 Compulsory MME440 +

Ductile and brittle fractures fractography, catastrophic fractures Griffth theory of brittle fracture, ductile to brittle transition temperature, stress concentration factor, modes of crack propagation (mode i, ii, and iii), linear elastic fracture mechanics, stress intensitry factor, plane strain and plane stress fracture toughness, plastic zone size estimation, determination of fracture toughness ASTM – E399 test, correlation of impact energy to fracture toughness, factors affecting fracture toughness, ways to improve fracture toughness, fundamental sources of failures, procedure of conducting failure analysis, failure analysis report, failure of metals at high temperature service, tripology, wear, friction and lubrication.

MME450 03 Compulsory MME326 +

1- Metals casting: solidification characteristics, casting alloys, fluidity in casting, casting defects, shrinkage, porosities, hot cracking, macro – microstructure of casting, casting processes, sand casting, risers design ( Chvorinov’s rule ), sand molding, sand requirements, gating systems, casting inspection. die, mold and shell casting.2- Forging processes: classification, forging equipment, forging in plane strain, opened close die foging, forging deffects.3- Rolling of metals: classification, rolling mills, hot rolling, cold rolling, load analysis and rolling deffects.4- Extrusion: classification, extrusion equipment, hot extrusion, deformation, lubrication & deffects in extrusion.5- Wire & tube drawing: drawing processes, analysis of wire drawing and analysis of tube drawing.

MME462 03 Compulsory MME461 +

Ceramics natural raw materials, their characterization and processing, shaping techniques, drying and firing of ceramic products, methods of glass shapin. Cements, their manufacture and hydration behavior, refractories, their types, manufacturing and applications. Engnerring ceramics, their classes, manufacturing & applications.

MME465 03 Compulsory MME315 +

1-Introduction, definitions, classification, bonding, general physical properties.2-Viscoelasticity models.3-Design methodology.4-Melt rheology (I) & (II), properties of polymer melts & types of flow.5-Shaping methods of polymers.6-Fiber & elastomer technologies.7-Reinforcements & polymeric composites.8-Processing – property interactions.

MME499 01 Compulsory +

Writing technical reports, report preparation and presentation. Presentation of B.Sc. project literature review and project lay out plan.

10th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MEE550 03 Elective +

Elective course offered by the Metallurgical & Materials Engineering department each semester.

MME470 04 Compulsory MME336 +

1-Introduction; types of defects in metal forming methods, their effect on mech. Properties and need for NDT.2-Visual aids:boroscopes, toboscope and their use in testing.3-Liquid penetrant methods: principles, equipments of dye and fluorescent methods, application and their limitations, examples of such uses in industry.4-Magnetic methods: magnetic particle technique, magnetization and it’s principle, limitations, examples in industry. X-ray radiography: geometrical factors, principles and industrial radiography practice, technique charts, penetrameters, weld radiography, casting radiography, fine radiography, reference radiography, gamma radiography, examples in industry.5-Ultrasonic: types of waves, wave velocity, beam spreading, refraction, mode conversion, attenuation. wave production, equipments and different probe, welds tubes, axles, shafts.6-X-ray radiography: production, absorption, half wave thickness, scattering, film processing, filters, screens, inverse square law, detection technique charts in details.7-Gamma rays radiography: fundamentals of radioactivity, decay, absorption, Gamma -ray sources, films for Gamma -ray radiography, safety, film protection, handling, storage and transportation, equipments. examples of uses in industry.8-Thickness measurements: thickness guaging by radiation absorption, x-ray, gamma-ray, b-ray and a-ray (gauges) absorption and magnetic induction and ultrasonic gauging resonance.uses in industry.9-Eddy current methods: principles, detection, test coils and probes, use of cyclograph and probolog applications in tube, corrosion, thickness measurement, examples in industry.10-Thermal method: thermography, temp. sensitive pigments, infrared technique. Electrical methods: based on resistance and potential drop, dielectric. Details about standards for all techniques. Some practical problems of industry and depending upon the type of defects, selection of technique.

MME480 03 Compulsory MME427 +

1-Brief introduction to metallic, polymeric, ceramic & composite materials.2-Properties & selection relationship.3-Materials indentification & designation.4-Degradetion & stability of the materials.5-Materials & fabrication selection.6-Economic analysis in material selection.7-Economic evaluation of materials, processes & project.8-Quantitative & non – quantitative methods of materials selection. 9-Case studies of selection.

MME551 03 Elective +

Elective course offered by the Metallurgical & Materials Engineering department each semester.

MME599 04 Compulsory MME499 +