Bachelor in Political Science

University of Tripoli - Department of Political Science



The program aims to prepare qualified students for studying political science deeply, with the manner of scientific thinking  and the ability of  performing a scientific and academic  research. Also, the program aims to prepare specialists to work for the ministry of foreign affairs as well as  regional and international organizations. In addition to encouraging scientific research at the area of political studies and providing  scientific consultations for the ministry of foreign affairs and the governmental institutions.


  • Qualifying highly competent specialists to work with the political institutions locally and internationally.
  • Preparing political analysts with the ability of providing  a political advice for the decision makers.
  • Analyzing, understanding and  studying  current political issues related to the Libyan national security.
  • Outcomes

    A. Knowledge and understanding: After completing the requirements of the program, the graduated student  shall be qualified for :

    • Carry out research and scientific analysis.
    • Analyzing  political phenomena and events and knowing their causes.
    • The ability to use theories and understand political ideologies.
    • The ability to think critically, diagnose problems and provide solutions.
    • The ability to analyze, conclude and develop the knowledge aspect.
    • Develop skills of discussion and analyzing  information, arriving to sound conclusions that are logical and scientific.
    B. Mental skills: After completing the requirements of the program, the graduated student is able to:
    • The ability to raise views and objective debates about political issues.
    • Analyzing  political phenomena and considering their  different dimensions.
    • Enhancing his scientific and practical skills.
    • Expressing critical, objective and even personal opinions.
    C. Scientific and professional skills: After completing the requirements of the program, the graduated student  shall be qualified for :
    • Fulfil the State's development needs related to political dimensions and State administration.
    • Prepare recommendations, plans and strategies for decision makers.
    • Developing appropriate alternatives to different political and economic variables.
    • Solving problems and  managing  them and create plans  to deal with them.
    • Linking the theoretical information obtained by the student within the classroom to the practical aspects.
    D. General skills: After completing the requirements of the program, the graduated student is able to:
    • Strengthening and deepening the assets, principles and norms of teaching scientific political knowledge.
    • Analyzing and thinking as well as create strategic plans  to solve problems.
    • Managing crises in a scientific manner and resolving them.

    Certificate Rewarded

    Political Science Bachelor Degree 

    Entry Reuirements

    • The student successfully passes POL-150 and POL -151 courses with at least a 65%.
    • Pass the entrance exam and interview if the department deems it.
    • The ability to accommodate students according to the available capabilities.


    Study Plan

    The Bachelor in Political Science prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Political Science . The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

    It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 139 units, which include 52 units of general subjects, and 60 major units, 27 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

    Study plan for this program is shown below:

    1st Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    ACC 130 Accounting Principles I 03 General +

    Defining the science of accounting, the principles and assumptions that govern it, the accounting cycle, the budget equation, the basics of preparing the double entry, distinguishing between debit and credit accounts, determining the effect of transactions on the budget equation, recording and posting entries in the accounting books with the preparation of the trial balance and the preparation of financial statements (income statement, and the position list financial) and discover accounting errors and treat them

    FIN160 Financing Principles 03 General +

    PLA170 Planing peincipals 03 General +

    Teaching students the importance of planning, which is represented in achieving the goals of balanced development through a future outlook and achieving total and partial balance, in addition to defining planning and its justifications and stages of development, as well as identifying the types of planning and the stages of the planning process, and the methods used in the planning process Knowing how to set plans and follow them up

    ST140 03 General +

    POL150 Political Science 03 General +

    This course aims to familiarize the students with the main topics of political science, and considering its all different branches. Also, preparing students to have the required knowledge in order to be able to study political science deeply, and qualifying them to understand the main terms and concepts used in the field of political science.

    2nd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    ACC131 Principles of Accounting II 03 General ACC 130 +

    The student recognizes the reasons for the need for settlement entries, the student understands how to prepare settlement entries, and the existence of more than one method, and the student recalls the importance of accounting principles and assumptions and their impact on the settlement process, and the student explains the reason for the balance (or imbalance) of the settlement list and the statement of financial position The student recognizes the reasons for the need for settlement entries, the student understands how to prepare settlement entries, and the existence of more than one method, and the student recalls the importance of accounting principles and assumptions and their impact on the settlement process, and the student explains the reason for the balance (or imbalance) of the settlement list and the statement of financial

    ST141 03 General ST140 +

    POL151 Public Administration 03 General +

    3rd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    POL 255 Libya's Political System 03 Compulsory POL150 +

    POL 254 Libyan Foreign Policy 03 Compulsory +

    POL 251 Ancient Political Thought 03 Compulsory POL150 +

    POL353 Comparative Politics 03 Compulsory POL150 +

    POL250 Research Methods 03 Compulsory +

    POL 253 International Law 03 Compulsory POL150 +

    4th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    POL 256 International Relations Theory 03 Compulsory POL 253 +

    POL 257 Arabic Political Thought 03 Compulsory POL 253 +

    POL 252 Modern and Contemporary Political Thought 03 Compulsory POL 251 +

    5th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    POI 350 Comparative Political Systems 03 Compulsory +

    POL355 Politics & Governance in Islam 03 Compulsory POL 252 +

    POL 357 International Organizing 03 Compulsory POL 256 +

    POL 351 Political Theory 03 Compulsory POL150 +

    POL 259 Public Policy 03 Compulsory +

    POL 258 Foreign Policy 03 Compulsory POL 253 POL 256 +

    6th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    POL 352 International Policy 03 Compulsory POL 256 +

    POL359 Political Idealogy 03 Compulsory POL353 +

    7th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    POL 358 Political Development 03 Compulsory POL353 +

    POL 356 Political Analysis 03 Compulsory POL 351 +

    POL354 Diplomacy 03 Compulsory +